
We arrived in Auckland late in the night, and not to our surprise Michael had some issues with the boarder patrol and his visa.

But within this land of Kiwis, all was calm, smooth and went on our way. 

It may be quite common to be scammed by a taxi driver, and even in New Zealand this is true. However we were able to catch on that this guy was going to pull a quick one! So I set my GPS and he had to follow those direction, haha. Tired but not fools.


We arrived to our accommodation and had hot showers, which you come to appreciate on the road, and a cozy bed. We spent the three days eating pizza, watching Netflix, adjusting.


It rained quite a bit since we had arrived, but our mission was to find a van within our first week. Lucky enough for us, this happened the following Monday. We used Discount Camper Vans, a neat family owned company that renovates vans and cars for a fair price. So we found this wonderful transport - Hubert.  



From our short stay to shake our jet lag, we head off to our first HelpX here in Auckland. What a hilarious experience full of laughter and learning. We had already met many wonderful travelers and friends. 

The time here in New Zealand is promising and something to look forward to.