The day before departure is a whirl wind. Well, the weeks leading up are no walk in the park either. Let's save that talk for another time.
So it's Thursday, the day before our flight to Seattle, WA. My closest friend and I get an extra day to reminisce and spend the day doing things we cherish doing together. Sushi, shopping, coffee and the like. This was not the same as every other time though, many feelings were present, as we both knew that our next visit is at an unforeseen date.
As we talk about our youth and the excitement of what's to come I receive a phone call from Michael. On the other end he says, "You are not going to believe this, I feel like I might puke" Thoughts bombarding me I calmly but yet frantically state, "What?! What is it?!" Michael had just realized that his passport has a typo. Instead of Michael Kloc his identification has been changed to Michael Kioc. Who is this imposter?! So frantically Michael explains what he has found out about this situation and that it could be up to 3 weeks to get a new passport. Calmly I say we will figure this out, and I spend some time googling and phoning the Detroit Immigrations. So friendly they state, "Oh just come on in tomorrow, no appointment necessary, we will fix it up here".
Phew. What a scare, I'd say him and I both were in deep pits in our stomach. I continue my time with Lindsay, and the moment of saying farewell has come. Lindsay and I have had many "see you laters" in our friendship. I chuckle now, as to see that we have reunited many times after. It brings comfort. The farewells have been from small vacations, to my relocating to San Diego, to moving to Detroit and from our last bon voyage encounter. I may be quite the mover. Which is funny, when I grew up I resided in the same home from birth til' 18 years of ages, wishing, yelling "why don't we move somewhere, let's go to another state!" Here unfolds my longing for travel, always on the go quirk.
It's Friday morning, September 22nd. Our flight departs at 4:20. Things to do, say goodbyes, double, triple, five times check to make sure we don't leave something behind. Of course knowing there will be something that had been left behind. End of September in Michigan can be infamous for it's rather extreme heat, summers way of holding on to our love. Reminding us to not forget it's discomfort yet bright cheery feel. Five of us cram into Grandmas Ford 500, a boat of a car. We head towards Detroit Immigration to work out Mr. Kioc's identity. All is well, we solve it all and Michael is returned to us with his proper surname. It happens to be 90 degrees on this day, and the pleather seats are sticking to us, as well as the aggravation that only half of the air conditioning is circulating.
Alas we arrive to Detroit Metro Airport, farewells to the family that is sending us on our way. Mind you we are lugging over 100 lbs of luggage combined. Dragging in our bodies with our bags we are cheeky checking into our flight. Grins, no matter the weight we are lugging, we know we are onto an adventure and these encounters at the check in counter are our first exchanges with those on our journey. Maybe I would consider them the "ushers" of our adventure.
It's time to board, and we're off. Five hours til' Seattle, and my great friend Brenna. Bubbling with excitement in all my cells. This feels right.