Right now I am floating in an ocean of emotion. Okay, yes, I DID have to use that saying, because it IS so true.
From the moment the seed of my trip to NZ was planted to what it has flourished into, I have all the words and none at all.
The beauty of the country has stolen my heart, the people who I’ve had a chance to cross paths with have shined light into my world, to the amazing arts of this country which has inspired me to keep pursuing life head on, the exploration, the adventure, and the doors that have been opened and the doors I have been able to close. Having these months within my own energy and my own space I have had time to process grief, joy, dreams, laughter, mostly laughter at self, healing, ups, downs, discovery and so much more.
Stepping away from my day to day life in Michigan has been one of the BEST decisions I could make, and I intend to continue to ride this wave of discovery. I am so grateful for the support of my friends and family back home and do look forward to our reunion!
Somewhere along the way, having the time to accept the present, to be present. To feeling the synchronicity of the world. To having patience. To being restless. To trusting my instincts. To digging my hands into this beautiful earth. Somewhere along the way, although being a solo traveler, I have never felt so secure with who I am. Although this feeling may be temporary, I will treasure it.
I have no doubt, I will return to NZ.
Until next time xoxo.